The IGP Almendra de Mallorca has participated in the technical seminar organised by the Productores Mallorquines de Frutos Secos (SAT)

Binissalem, 8th of September, 2023.- The PGI Ametlla de Mallorca has participated in the technical seminar organised by the Productors Mallorquins de Fruits Secs (SAT); “Technical Seminar of almond trees”, part of the Pilot Project coordinated by the IGP and promoted by the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, which has been underway since 2021 within the framework of the aid to support pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies for the year 2020.

This conference had the clear objective of offering almond producers in the Balearic Islands the techniques and knowledge to improve almond crops.

Ignacio Deyá, president of Productors Mallorquins de ametlles y garroves AIE, moderated the conference and emphasised that this sector must fight for differentiation, as this is the perfect way to achieve economic sustainability in almond cultivation.

Julia Lainez, technician of PGI Ametlla de Mallorca presented the data of the 2022 campaign, where we can see an increase to almost 4000 hectares of almond cultivation of the 270 farms of producers registered in the seal IGP Almond of Mallorca, as well as the importance of promoting the marketing of the IGP almond, because despite reaching 225,000 kgs of production, only 41,000 kgs are being marketed under the seal of quality.

During her speech she also explained the steps that are being taken for the pilot project: COPPI2020, whose objective is innovation to improve the quality of the Balearic Almond. She ended his first speech by talking in more detail about the results of the pilot project.

Deyá then handed over to Fernando Fernández, Director General of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, who explained in detail the objectives of the Dried Fruit Restructuring Plan until 2027 (Plan de Reestructuración de Frutos Secos hasta 2027). It should be noted that this plan was approved at the Dried Fruit Round Table and that it will continue with the same conditions that were agreed in 2021, thanks to the commitment that the new team at the Regional Ministry has made to maintain and finalise this plan.

As a summary of the general director’s speech, it is important to highlight the increase in the land dedicated to almond crop, the volume of production of both almonds and carob and the importance of continuing with plant health. He spoke in detail about the plan for research and innovation, developed by the IRFAP, to increase the added value of production through the support of the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca quality seal, without forgetting the promotion and dissemination of almond consumption to improve the quality of almonds from the Balearic Islands.


After a break, where attendees were able to exchange views on the first part of the day, Deyá handed over to Pablo Fernández, a technician from Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España, who explained the cooperative digital field notebook C3, and how it can help members of the Cooperatives and SATs to meet the requirements imposed by the CAP and the Ministry of Agriculture, with examples, highlighting the importance of digitisation in this sector. Fernández was able to answer some of the attendees’ questions.

After this intervention, Ignacio Deyá handed over to Julia Lainez, a technician from Cooperatives agro-alimentàries Illes Balears, who on this occasion, explained the eco-regimes of the new CAP applicable to the cultivation of nuts such as almonds and carob, spoke about associated aid and, as a final point of this intervention, commented on the management of plant covers in permanent crops.

Once some of the attendees’ doubts on these issues had been resolved, Antonio Bonafé, president of the PGI Ametlla de Mallorca, and Joan Simonet, Conseller de Agricultura, pesca I medi natural, were invited to the table to participate in the closing of the day, where the work being done by the PGI to promote the quality of the products was highlighted, and the efforts of Cooperativas Agroalimentarias Islas Baleares were recognised for their work in disseminating new technologies, digitisation processes and training.

The three thanked the attendees and concluded the conference, which was held at the SAT Productors Mallorquins de Fruits Secs, which was founded in 1989 as a group of almond and carob producers and currently has more than 1,000 members and 6,000 hectares dedicated to almond and carob crops in Mallorca and Ibiza.

Por último, pero no menos importante queremos destacar que a dicha jornada también han asistido el presidente saliente de la entidad, Jaume Jaume, junto con miembros de la junta y socios de Productores Mallorquines de Fruits Secs; la presidenta de Cooperativas Agroalimentarias Islas Baleares, Jerónima Bonafé; representantes de CAJAMAR y miembros de cooperativas agroalimentarias.