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Success of the event celebrating the “World Day of l’ametlla”.

    Awarding of the “Premi Flor d’Ametller 2022” to Doctor Miquel Fiol

    Santa María, 19 de febrero de 2022.- La Indicación Geográfica Protegida (I.G.P.) Almendra de Mallorca ha celebrado hoy un acto en la finca Mainou, en Consell.

    The IGP Ametlla de Mallorca /Ametlla Mallorquina is the quality designation that guarantees the link between almonds and their origin, Mallorca, and endorses the methods used to obtain a product noted for its excellence and flavor.

    According to the president of the PGI Antoni Bonafé: “The aim of the event was to highlight the value of almond and almond growing. Almonds and almond trees are identifying elements of Mallorca and part of our environmental and culinary heritage. Majorcan almonds have properties and quality with gastronomic possibilities that make them unique and singular”.

    During the same, the “Flor d’Ametller” award 2022 edition was presented, which aims to be a recognition to people and entities that accompany the PGI in the path of the valorization of l’ametlla de Mallorca, the reactivation of the crop, and therefore the improvement of the income of the pagesos and pageses of Mallorca. 

    In its first edition, the Regulatory Council has recognized Doctor Miquel Fiol, member of IDISBA and CIBEROBN, for his research work on the benefits of almonds against various diseases.

    Around 200 attendees were able to enjoy a sensory experience in a field with 8,000 almond trees in full bloom.

    The event was attended by the President of the Government, Francina Armengol; with the Councilor for Economic Promotion of the Consell de Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora. In addition, the mayor of Consell, Andreu Isern; the general director of Agriculture, Fernando Fernandez. All of them have been received by the president of the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca, Antoni Bonafé; by the vice president, Antoni Garcies Simón; by the secretary of the IGP, Mª Francisca Parets; together with the members of the Governing Council of the PGI: Jaume Jaume; Miquel Gual Pons; Rafell Coll Pons; Matìes Balaguer; by the technician, Aldo Castellí and by the President of Cooperatives Agroalimentàries, Jerònima Bonafé Ramis.  

    The event was attended by the President of the Government, Francina Armengol; with the Councilor for Economic Promotion of the Consell de Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora. In addition, the mayor of Consell, Andreu Isern; the general director of Agriculture, Fernando Fernandez. All of them have been received by the president of the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca, Antoni Bonafé; by the vice president, Antoni Garcies Simón; by the secretary of the IGP, Mª Francisca Parets; together with the members of the Governing Council of the PGI: Jaume Jaume; Miquel Gual Pons; Rafell Coll Pons; Matìes Balaguer; by the technician, Aldo Castellí and by the President of Cooperatives Agroalimentàries, Jerònima Bonafé Ramis.

    Aldo Castellí, Manager of the Cooperativa Camp Mallorquín S.C.L. and promoter of the farm, Aldo Castellí, showed the different varieties of almond trees, management systems and aspects of the crop during a tour of the farm.

    Subsequently, there has been a tasting of snacks based on almonds from Mallorca and other local products served. In addition, in a showcooking of the cooks Rosa Asturias and Serena Sirini, members of women in women within the Association of Cooks of the Balearic Islands (ASCAIB) have been given the keys to the preparation of almond milk.