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The value of Mallorcan IGP Almond sales tripled to exceed one million euros in the 2023 campaign

    A total of 62 tonnes were marketed for end consumers, 51.2% more than in 2022, when this figure was 41 tonnes

    Of the total sold last year, over 80% remained in the Balearic Islands. 11 percent more IGP almonds were collected than in 2022

    The IGP Ametlla de Mallorca closed in 2023 with a total marketing value of 1,063,291.80 euros, three times the amount obtained in 2022. The campaign collected a total of almost 987 tons of Mallorcan almonds certified with claws (986,836 kg), 97 tons more than in 2022 – 10.9 percent more-. Of these, a total of 62 tons of almonds without claws were finally marketed for end consumers, adding all the formats. This represents an increase of 51.2% compared to 2022, when 41 tonnes were sold.

    Thus, of all the commercialization, up to 52,360.72 kg (83.5 percent of the total) was destined to the Balearic Islands; while 10,325.80 kg (16.5 percent) was exported to the outside market. As for all this Mallorcan IGP almond sold to end consumers, the average prices were 15.3 euros per kilo in the case of raw almonds, while the average price of the toast was about 17.9 euros per kilo, also influenced by the price of sales in the foreign market.

    The increase in these figures is due, according to the Regulatory Council itself, both to the entry of a new company with a strong commercialization both internal and external, to the consolidation of the rest in terms of production and sales, and also to a greater knowledge of it by the public, which year after year demand and consume more in different formats and points of sale. According to IGP president Miquel Riera, the figures “prove that we are on the right track, that of quality and association between producers to better position ourselves in the internal and external market”.

    In addition to this, the Protected Geographical Indication closed in 2023 with a total of 301 registered farms, 31 more than in 2022 -1.5 percent more -; and the almond surface of these totalled 4,478 hectares, 14.3 percent more -almost 500 Ha more – than in 2022, when they added 3,917 hectares. A “very positive increase for the maintenance of the traditional almond landscape, so valuable for our island”, said Riera.

    Finally, it should also be remembered that the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca currently has a total of 11 associated industries and 18 operators registered among all the registers, divided as follows: 8 operators are in the packaging register, 4 operators in the manipulators and storage companies, 3 in the toasters, 2 in the breakers and 1 in the peelers register. The fact that the number of operators exceeds the number of associated industries is explained by the fact that some of these industries are registered in more than one register at a time.