The campaign, the result of collaboration between the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca and some ovens, companies and cooperatives in Mallorca, will take place in more than 100 points throughout the island
From 16th to 23rd February -both included- Mallorca’s almond IGP and the authentic Mallorcan cat will be in promotion on the occasion of the campaign for World Almond Day 2024, the result of collaboration between the Regulatory Council of the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca and some ovens, companies and cooperatives. The campaign will take place at more than 100 points of sale on the island. This has been announced by the president of the Regulatory Council of the IGP, Miquel Riera, in the presentation of the promotion that has been done in the Trias BAKERY and Pastry in Palma.
Thus, the participating establishments where these promotions can be found are: Forn and Pastisseria Trias (Secar de la Real, Palma), Can Pomar (Palma), Es Forn des Pla de na Tesa (Marratxí), Almendras Capó (Palma), Cooperativa del Camp Mallorquí (Consell and Sineu), Fet a Sóller (Sóller), Ametlla+ (Son Servera), Cooperative of Porreres, Cooperative All will be available on an online map, which can be found on social networks and the IGP Ametlla de Mallorca website.
In the case of ovens, they will offer authentic Mallorcan cat -made only with Mallorcan almonds, eggs and sugar- with a discount of 20 percent, while in the cooperative stores, associated companies and shops that have Mallorca IGP almonds, there will be a discount of 10 percent on everything they sell whole. Pep Trias thanked the master baker and pastry maker for this action to promote a product such as Mallorca almonds, which, he said, “is a fundamental part of our culinary culture, as well as being a very nutritious and healthy food to enhance,” and said that promotions thus “facilitate people to remember again what taste and texture so different, for example, a good cat with almond from here”.
For his part, Riera assured that this campaign “will contribute to an increase in knowledge and positioning in the market of one of our most typical and highest quality products”. In this sense, he has advanced that they are just analysing the figures for 2023 and that, he said, “they show a positive trend both in the number of associated producers and in production and consumption, both here and abroad”. This, Riera said, “means that people are willing to bet on quality and proximity, despite being a higher price”.